About Us

Our Team

Kelsey Helgoth

If you've ever been to the Lazy K Arena south of Grand Island -- You have probably seen Kelsey Helgoth in action!  She is the tall blonde lady that keeps the whole place hopping!  Kelsey proudly owns a gorgeous, well-bred, fancy broke AQHA stallion she calls BOSS.  She is also the very loving mama to her daughter, Braeley -- Who is always on Kelsey's hip, in the saddle in front of Kelsey, or safely contained within her giant playpen positioned right beside Kelsey, while she coaches.  Kelsey is married to Broderick Helgoth and he is her absolute best friend and the anchor that keeps the Lazy K facility in good working order year-round!  Kelsey was raised right there at the Lazy K -- Mostly on a horse!  She grew up showing horses across the country in multiple organizations and a wide variety of events. Kelsey also rode and competed within the Hall County 4H program. She also did very well training and showing her own dogs within the 4-H program and trained dogs and coached their owners in obedience, to help support herself during her high school and college years... She was a graduate of Northwest High School in 2010,and went on to get her bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.  Kelsey will tell you, she uses that degree every single day while working with all of the lesson kids, women who ride, and the endless families who love horses and have chosen to board, ride and improve their skills with horses at the Lazy K Arena!

Lauren Gahn

I am originally from Stockton California and received a degree in Wildlife Biology from Hastings College with a minor in Psychology. I own a yearling, her name is Tilly,  she lives at Lazy K. I love to work with kids and help them improve their riding skill. Animals are my passion and I strive to encourage young people to developing partnerships with the incredible horses at Lazy K Arena. 

Betty Stinson

My name is Betty!! Kelsey recruited me several years ago because I tend to be detail oriented, and keeping her world scheduled and working smoothly came naturally to me!  So, although you don't see me around the barn very often, my heart is there!  I love what the Krazy K stands for and the joy it brings to so many lives.  It is my job to encourage all you barn rats to stay involved!  Take lessons, get into a clinic, practice vaulting, and come have a little fun during Holidays!  Having a place to do what you love is such a blessing!  Be the best you can be, and your support also keeps the Krazy K going strong! 

Brenda Larraga

I was born in Kearney, NE. I have 4 children I become involved with horses because of my youngest daughers love for horses. Since she was little she's alwyas wanted one and what better place to start than here at Lazy K Arena. Since we spend so much time out here might as well help out where needed when we can. I enjoy the small town feeling when we are here. 

Steph Lilienthal

I’ve lived in Grand Island for most of my life and graduated from Grand Island Northwest.  I have one daughter, Lexie, who will be a freshman in college this fall.  

Both sides of my family are involved in livestock and farming.  We had horses growing up, although I would consider myself a beginner with horses.  My daughter started taking lessons with Kelsey a few years ago and that is how I became familiar with Lazy K.  I’ve enjoyed going out to the barn with her and spending time with the horses.  

Cortney Williams

I moved around a lot until I moved to Nebraska. I've lived mostly on the east coast. I have three bio kids and three foster kids (right now anyway lol) I have college degrees in Human services, drug and alcohol counseling, and Behavioral science. Horses have been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I currently have two horses boarded at Lazy K. Forrest and Jenny. They are both off track thoroughbreds!